How to cancel subscription

At, we value our customers and respect your preferences. Our subscription service is designed to keep you informed with the latest updates, offers, and news from our website. We understand that you may wish to unsubscribe from our emails, and we have made the process simple and straightforward.

1. Unsubscription Policy
You can unsubscribe from our email list at any time. To ensure a smooth unsubscription process, please follow the steps outlined below.

2. Unsubscription Process
To unsubscribe from our emails, please follow these steps:
Open any email from
Scroll to the bottom of the email.
Click on the "Unsubscribe" link.
Follow the on-screen instructions to confirm your unsubscription.

3. Unsubscription Confirmation
Once you have successfully unsubscribed, you will receive a confirmation email. Please retain this email for your records.

4. Re-subscription
If you change your mind and wish to receive our emails again, you can re-subscribe at any time by visiting our website and signing up for our newsletter.

5. Customer Support
If you encounter any issues during the unsubscription process or have any questions, please contact our customer support team at We are here to assist you.